The University of Iowa

Types of Contracts and Model Contracts

Model Agreements

The University of Iowa (UI) has adopted standard agreement formats for various situations.  These model agreements reflect UI policies, State regulations and guidelines recommended by the National Academy of Science Government, University, and Industry Roundtable; the University Industry Demonstration Partnership; and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Accelerated Clinical Trials agreements.  Feel free to use any of the following agreements before or during the collaboration process in order to know the expectations of the University, as well as the working agreement. 

For information regarding the types of research related to agreements, as well as the appropriate office to negotiate/approve, click on this table.

The associated procedures for the University's model agreements are available here.

If you have questions about the appropriate type of agreement for your situation, please contact DSP by email or call 335-2123.

Master Confidential Disclosure and Clinical Trial Agreements (Industry-funded)

The University of Iowa has a master confidential disclosure agreement (CDA) and/or a master clinical trial agreement (CTA) with several different contracting parties that are associated with an industry funded clinical trial. A list of those master CDAs and master CTAs is available by logging into this website. DSP encourages the use of master CDAs and master CTAs when possible. Using a master CDA or master CTA typically shortens contract negotiation time because it allows for a relatively basic protocol-specific agreement to fall under the already negotiated more complex master agreement.

Data Transfer and Use Agreements

 Visit this page to learn more about Data Transfer and Use Agreements, including whether you should use one and which office can assist you.  Please contact if you have questions.

Fee for Service Agreements

Sometimes UI researchers or departments are requested to perform work at a fixed fee for an external sponsor that may not be research but rather falls into the category of ‘fee for service’ work.  Please review the information found here regarding the determining factors of service work.  Please contact if you have questions.